Designer Plastic

Designer Plastic


Performance and installation of objects

Take an interest in lifestyles and subjectivation, in the language close to the structural anthropomorph and put boxes and rafts in sequence on the edge of the poetics of Dreaming.

Propose to install miniature representations, genre scenes which are moments of collective life whose main subject is transmission.

The expression of these human groups transfigures their interrelations for the spectator.

Representations of sharing where we are confronted with monolithic postures.

Smooth characters, with an ethnic aesthetic that leaves room for personal interpretation.

A set of pieces against the current of a raw work linked to the living experience of consciousness.

A scenic representation of the thumbnails allowing to visualize out of frame links that agitate concepts.

A political field whose mediators manipulate a jargon.

These staged volumes evoke a way of reading the influence of group phenomena, whose composition, the exhibition of the volumes will be around plant and mineral structure and idea presented with personal texts engraved on brass plates.

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